
A collection of photographs taken around the farm. Most are also showcased in blog posts.

A swarm of bees is a strange sightThe fencing was all coming together! No more barbed wire!The sheep enjoying their new safe spaceOur new cows settled in for the journeyTurns out they love lucernA bee enjoying a passionfruit flowerThe hive should be placed in the same position as where the nuc box used to beAstroThe new fence is up, but still a lot of work to doOur new stray lamb safe in her crate in the laundryThe lambs were immediate friendsThe lambs have been named Holly, Summer, Blossom, Moonshine, Frida, amd RufusA view of the height of the water spout and the impact to the neighbouring paddockMeeting the goats at the farm sanctuary for the first timeHay feeder for goats made from two discarded wood palletsOur old renovated kitchenSummer in her summertime bikini
We used a small five frame hive for the swarmAn additional two hot wires should hopefully stop the escapesIt took a little convincing to get them onto the trailerThe cows refusing to leave the trailerOreo is very calm and very tolerant of us getting closeThe nucleus box in position under some wet weatherThe hive with the lid securely strapped onThe lambs in their temporary fencing pastureThe new paddock for the lambs is much bigger than they hadSafely introducing them behind fencing but the goats were not welcoming of a new lambBottle feeding is joyful chaosThe burst drain valve spurting out waterDiver preparing to block the drain intake pipeGoat fencing and two hot wires installed around the goat paddockGriffin eating hay in a converted playhouseThe beautiful view from our new patio down the valley in West Gippsland